Photo by Zac Durant


Being present for our emotions

Blog What is our relationship with our emotions? Emotions can be beautiful and enjoyable when they are positive. But the negative ones can make us feel very vulnerable. Most of us push them away and hide them in a dark corner of our mind. Can we escape them forever? And if not, how do we deal with them? Read More ›


Green computing

Blog Climate change, pollution, inequality... Wat does that have to do with our work, and with mindfulness? Read More ›


Total relaxation

Blog During the day we accumulate tension in our body. Stress, the way we sit at our desks, some interactions we have, all of this can cause our muscles to become tense. Bringing our attention and our breathing back to our body can help us relax. Read More ›


Mindful eating

Blog Food can be a source of joy and nourishment, or an addiction and a source of suffering. It can be a part of celebration and togetherness, but it can also be part of disconnection and pain. What is our relationship to food, and can we be aware of our motives surrounding food? Read More ›


Psychological safety in the team

Blog Do you feel safe to be yourself in your team? Is it okay to ask 'stupid' questions? Are you being taken seriously? Do you feel accepted and respected? Let's dive into the topic of psychological safety. Read More ›